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Target price


22:26 / Tradegate WKN: 922230 / Name: AT&S Austria / Stock / Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment / Small Cap /
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AT&S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG Stock

AT&S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG dominated the market today, gaining €0.62 (3.100%).
With 0 Sell predictions and 2 Buy predictions the community sentiment towards the AT&S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG stock is not clear.
As a result the target price of 25 € shows a positive potential of 20.54% compared to the current price of 20.74 € for AT&S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG.

Pros and Cons of AT&S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG in the next few years

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Performance of AT&S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG vs. its peers

Security Change(%) 1w 1m 1y YTD 3y 5y
AT&S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG 3.100% -1.282% 14.139% -25.687% -24.109% -38.963% 32.671%
Park Aerospace Corp. 0.880% -1.724% -5.785% -22.449% -14.286% -1.724% -27.389%
Nordic Semiconductor 1.440% -10.093% -24.950% -11.618% -25.153% -67.807% -
Kontron AG 0.620% -1.167% -2.010% -11.496% -25.371% -27.977% -8.735%

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The analysis provided is generated by an artificial intelligence system and is provided for informational purposes only. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the analysis, and we are not responsible for any errors or omissions. Use of the analysis is at your own risk.
Last updated at 2023-04-18

Upon first glance, the financials of AT&S Austria, a company in the Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment industry, appear to showcase growth and expansion in recent years. The company has experienced an increase in assets, liabilities, and stockholder equity, which can be seen as a positive development. However, detailed analysis of the financial statements reveals certain areas of concern, which will be explored along with the positive aspects of the financials.

In conclusion, while AT&S Austria's financials reveal growth in assets, equity, and revenues, there are also areas of concern that need to be addressed. These include dependency on debt financing, inconsistent net income growth, increasing operating expenses, and negative free cash flow. Investors should carefully weigh the pros and cons before making an informed decision about the future prospects of the company in the Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment industry.


Diese Reise durch die Welt der Investitionen erfordert, wie jede andere auch, nicht nur ein Verständnis der Marktdynamik, sondern auch ein ausgeprägtes Bewusstsein für die Informationen, die wir in unserem vernetzten digitalen Zeitalter teilen und konsumieren. In diesem Zusammenhang bin ich vor kurzem auf einen interessanten Artikel von gestoßen, den ich als äußerst relevant für das Thema Sicherheit und Datenschutz in unserer digitalen Kommunikation empfand. Dieser Artikel öffnete mir die Augen für die Möglichkeiten und Risiken, die mit unseren digitalen Fußabdrücken verbunden sind, insbesondere in einem Zeitalter, in dem sichere Kommunikation von größter Bedeutung ist - nicht nur in unserem Privatleben, sondern auch bei unseren finanziellen Geschäften. Die Parallelen zwischen dem Schutz unserer digitalen Konversationen und dem Schutz unserer finanziellen Investitionen wurden mir schlagartig klar. 
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