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18.09.24 / Tradegate WKN: A3H210 / Name: Aap Implantate / Stock / ? /
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Aap Implantate AG Stock

A loss of -2.630% shows a downward development for Aap Implantate AG.
The community is currently still undecided about Aap Implantate AG with 1 Buy predictions and 0 Sell predictions.
With a target price of 2 € there is a hugely positive potential of 75.44% for Aap Implantate AG compared to the current price of 1.14 €.
Our community identified positive and negative aspects for Aap Implantate AG stock for the coming years. 1 users see the criterium "Business model" as a plus for the Aap Implantate AG stock. On the other hand our users think that "Valuation (undervalued/overvalued)" could be a problem in the future.

Pros and Cons of Aap Implantate AG in the next few years

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The analysis provided is generated by an artificial intelligence system and is provided for informational purposes only. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the analysis, and we are not responsible for any errors or omissions. Use of the analysis is at your own risk.
Last updated at 2023-05-27

At first glance, the financials of Aap Implantate, a company operating within the industry, appears to be a mixed bag. There are certain positive aspects, as well as some areas of concern that potential investors should be aware of. Below is a detailed analysis of the pros and cons associated with the company's financials in order to provide a comprehensive understanding of the business and its potential for growth.

*Pros: *

Revenue and Gross Profit Growth: Aap Implantate has demonstrated consistent growth in its total revenue on a yearly basis from 2020–2022. In addition, the company has been able to maintain a healthy gross profit over these years, with a slight increase between 2020 and 2021.


systinvest hat das Wertpapier Aap Implantate AG in seinem Wikifolio Aktienwertselektion mit System gekauft.
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EQS-News: aap Implantate AG: annual financial statements 2023 characterized by the difficult economic environment and restructuring measures introduced, good operational progress
EQS-News: aap Implantate AG: annual financial statements 2023 characterized by the difficult economic environment and restructuring measures introduced, good operational progress
EQS-News: aap Implantate AG: annual financial statements 2023 characterized by the difficult economic environment and restructuring measures introduced, good operational progress
EQS-Adhoc: aap Implantate AG: Auditor will terminate audit and declare non-issuance of audit opinion due to audit impediments
EQS-Adhoc: aap Implantate AG: Auditor will terminate audit and declare non-issuance of audit opinion due to audit impediments
EQS-Adhoc: aap Implantate AG: Auditor will terminate audit and declare non-issuance of audit opinion due to audit impediments
EQS-News: Half-year financial statements close with balanced EBITDA, Trauma with positive EBITDA
EQS-News: Half-year financial statements close with balanced EBITDA, Trauma with positive EBITDA
EQS-News: Half-year financial statements close with balanced EBITDA, Trauma with positive EBITDA