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04.10.24 / Tradegate WKN: A3C36T / Name: Embracer Group / Stock / Leisure Products / Small Cap /
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Embracer Group AB Stock

Embracer Group AB dominated the market today, gaining €0.13 (5.560%).
With 0 Sell predictions and 2 Buy predictions the community sentiment towards the Embracer Group AB stock is not clear.
With a target price of 3 € there is a slightly positive potential of 19.47% for Embracer Group AB compared to the current price of 2.51 €.
Our community identified positive and negative aspects for Embracer Group AB stock for the coming years. 1 users see the criterium "Revenue growth" as a plus for the Embracer Group AB stock. On the other hand our users think that "Expected Cash Flow" could be a problem in the future.

Pros and Cons of Embracer Group AB in the next few years

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Prediction Buy
Perf. (%) 20.49%
Target price 3.500
Ends at 29.08.25

Hey there! So, I've been keeping an eye on Embracer Group, and I've got to say, it's like watching a roller coaster ride in slow motion. Sure, their recent numbers look a bit rough - sales down, losses up - but here's the thing: they're playing the long game. With projected revenue growth of 4.5% annually and a whopping 116.57% earnings growth per year over the next three years, they're like a phoenix ready to rise from the ashes. Plus, they're pumping a cool SEK 4 billion into R&D annually. That's not chump change - it's a clear sign they're betting big on innovation. And let's not forget that sweet EUR 600 million credit facility they just snagged. It's like they've got a financial safety net while they're doing their high-wire act. Is it risky? You bet. But in the tech world, sometimes you've got to risk it to get the biscuit. At the current price of 2.08, it feels like we're looking at a coiled spring. If they can turn those ambitious projections into reality, we might just see this stock take off like a rocket. What do you think? Are you ready to buckle up for this potential tech turnaround story?
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