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18.09.24 / Tradegate WKN: PAT1AG / Name: Patrizia / Stock / Real Estate Operations / Mid Cap /
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Description Patrizia

An Overview of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG (WKN PAT1AG)

PATRIZIA Immobilien AG, with its stock market identifier WKN PAT1AG, is a well-established real estate investment company listed on the German Stock Exchange. As a leading property specialist with a long and successful track record, this Augsburg-based company has been successful in both managing and acquiring various types of real estate assets. These include residential, commercial, and industrial properties as well as investments in major European cities.

Company History and Growth

Founded in 1984 by Wolfgang Egger, the company quickly gained a strong foothold in the German market, pursuing a strategic expansion course that eventually allowed it to expand beyond Germany's borders. Through well-timed acquisitions and partnerships, PATRIZIA Immobilien AG has managed to establish a solid European presence, now operating across 19 countries and managing assets worth over €45 billion.

This impressive growth was achieved by a combination of organic growth, successful mergers, and acquisitions, including Triuva, Rockspring, and Sparinvest Property Investors. The company's consistent annual growth rate and diversified approach have led to its enviable reputation in the industry.

Business Model

The core of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG's business model centers on its real estate investment management services. Acting as both an asset manager and a property developer, the company assesses, manages, and maintains a diverse property portfolio for its clients.

In addition to this, the company leverages its vast market knowledge and tailored investment strategies to continually source further investment opportunities. This method, combined with its strong industry connections, allows the company to provide innovative solutions to an extensive list of institutional, professional, and private investors.

One of its unique selling points is its unwavering focus on sustainability, innovation, and long-term value creation. The company also prides itself on its investment in digitalization and technology, which has led to significant improvements in asset management and operational efficiencies.

Financial Performance

PATRIZIA Immobilien AG has enjoyed consistent financial performance over the years. For the fiscal year ending in 2020, the company reported total assets under management of €45.5 billion – a 10% growth from 2019. It also generated an operating income of €116.5 million in 2020, despite the challenging market conditions brought about by the pandemic. This steady financial performance reinforces the company's resilience and commitment to its clients' long-term success.

Notably, PATRIZIA Immobilien AG has a stable dividend history, having paid a dividend every year since 2006. This element adds an additional layer of attraction for investors seeking steady and reliable returns on their investment.

Market Presence and Competitive Landscape

In the European real estate investment landscape, PATRIZIA Immobilien AG enjoys a strong market presence, thanks to its years of experience, strategic acquisitions, and a reputation built on trust and reliability. The company faces competition from other leading real estate investment firms, such as CBRE Global Investors, Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield, and Deka Immobilien.

However, with its innovative and adaptive approach to investment management, combined with its dedication to sustainability and long-term value creation, PATRIZIA Immobilien AG has successfully maintained its competitive edge.

Outlook and Future Prospects

Given the ever-evolving and complex nature of the real estate market, no investment company can guarantee its investors a risk-free future. However, PATRIZIA Immobilien AG's strategic diversification, strong market presence, and focus on long-term value creation place it in a favorable position to handle any potential challenges.

The firm's commitment to investing in digitalization and innovation means that it can adapt to changing market trends and client needs, thereby ensuring continued growth and success. Overall, as a leading real estate investment firm with a well-established reputation and solid financial performance, PATRIZIA Immobilien AG undoubtedly remains an attractive option for investors seeking exposure to the European real estate market.

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Competitors of Patrizia


Patrizia Immobilien AG (WKN PAT1AG) is a leading European real estate company that specializes in property investment management. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, the company manages a diverse portfolio of properties across several European countries. It has successfully evolved from a regional developer to a global player in the real estate market. Despite the company's impressive track record, it faces strong competition from other industry giants. This article will discuss some of the key competitors of Patrizia Immobilien AG, outlining their background and unique features that influence their position within the market.

Vonovia SE (WKN A1ML7J)

Vonovia SE is the largest residential real estate company in Germany and one of the biggest in Europe. Owning more than 400,000 residential units across Germany, Sweden, and Austria, Vonovia is a significant competitor of Patrizia in several European markets. Vonovia's impressive portfolio and solid financial performance make it a force to reckon with in the real estate investment management sector.

Vonovia's primary focus is on the residential real estate market, with additional services including maintenance, modernization, and caretaker services. The company's size and market presence enable it to benefit from economies of scale, giving it a competitive edge over its rivals.

Deutsche Wohnen SE (WKN A0HN5C)

Deutsche Wohnen SE is another dominant player in the European real estate market, primarily operating in the residential sector. The company owns and manages more than 160,000 residential and commercial units across Germany, with a strong focus on metropolitan regions like Berlin.

Deutsche Wohnen aims to provide top-quality living spaces by consistently investing in modernizing and energy-efficient rehabilitation projects. This focus on sustainability and improving the quality of life for its tenants distinguishes Deutsche Wohnen from other competitors in the market.

LEG Immobilien AG (WKN LEG111)

LEG Immobilien AG is a reputable real estate company that owns and manages residential properties primarily in North Rhine-Westphalia, one of Germany's most densely populated regions. With approximately 145,000 rental units in its portfolio, LEG Immobilien is a crucial player in the German residential property market.

The company has a solid track record of maintaining high occupancy rates and stable rental income. It focuses on tenant satisfaction through timely modernization, redevelopment projects, and customer service initiatives. LEG Immobilien's commitment to enhancing the value of its properties makes it a strong competitor in the industry.

Covivio (WKN A14N6V)

Covivio is a French-based real estate investment company with a strong presence in several key European markets, including France, Germany, and Italy. It has a diverse portfolio covering residential, office, and hotel properties, owning approximately 23,500 residential units.

While not exclusively focused on residential real estate, Covivio's diversified portfolio allows it to capitalize on various market trends and better manage risks in the industry. The company is also committed to sustainable development, making it an attractive option for environmentally conscious investors.

TAG Immobilien AG (WKN 830350)

TAG Immobilien AG is another significant competitor in the residential property management sector. With around 85,000 residential units in its portfolio and a primary geographic focus in Germany, TAG Immobilien has a robust market presence.

The company is known for its active acquisition and diligent asset management strategies, contributing to its strong financial performance in recent years. TAG Immobilien's ability to identify attractive investment opportunities and optimize its property portfolio sets it apart in the competitive landscape.


In conclusion, Patrizia Immobilien AG faces significant competition from several leading real estate companies across Europe, including Vonovia, Deutsche Wohnen, LEG Immobilien, Covivio, and TAG Immobilien. Each competitor has unique strategies and strengths, such as residential property specializations, diversified portfolios, sustainable practices, and a focus on tenant satisfaction.

To maintain its competitive position in the market, Patrizia must adapt to changing market conditions, continue optimizing its portfolio, and seek innovative solutions to enhance profitability and cater to the evolving needs of its clients. In a dynamic and ever-changing real estate landscape, nimble strategies and strong customer relationships will be crucial factors determining the success and growth of Patrizia and its competitors.

Suppliers of Patrizia


Patrizia AG (WKN: PAT1AG) is a leading real estate investment company listed on the German stock exchange. With an impressive track record in asset and investment management, Patrizia has successfully managed a diverse property portfolio spanning across residential, commercial, retail, and logistics sectors in various European markets. The success of this company relies extensively on its strong network of suppliers and partners. In this article, we will delve into the key suppliers contributing to the successful operation of Patrizia AG while also highlighting various aspects of the business and its relationship with these partners.

Real Estate Services Providers

To manage their vast real estate portfolio, Patrizia relies on various service providers that offer services such as property management, facility management, and construction management. These providers help handle the day-to-day operations, maintenance, and improvement of the properties owned by the company. By collaborating with these real estate services providers, Patrizia can ensure smooth operations and the optimization of property performance across their entire portfolio.

Architects and Construction Companies

As a major player in the real estate market, Patrizia constantly engages architects and construction companies for the development and renovation of their properties. These professionals not only ensure the design and structural integrity of the buildings but are also crucial in keeping up with the evolving sustainability standards and modern architecture trends. By partnering with top architectural firms and reputable construction companies, Patrizia delivers high-quality properties to its clients and investors while maintaining their competitive edge in the market.

Legal and Financial Advisors

Real estate transactions involve numerous legal and financial aspects, making it essential for Patrizia to partner with legal and financial advisory firms. These professionals assist the company in navigating complex regulations, taxation, and compliance requirements that vary across different countries and jurisdictions. Additionally, they play a vital role in due diligence, contract negotiations, and dispute resolution, thus ensuring seamless execution of deals and acquisitions.

Market Research and Consultancy Firms

Staying abreast of market trends and understanding consumer preferences are critical elements for any real estate investment firm. Patrizia regularly collaborates with market research and consultancy firms to gather insights, analyze data, and forecast market shifts. These firms help the company make informed decisions and adopt strategic approaches towards their investments and property management, ensuring optimal returns and growth in the long run.

Government and Local Authorities

Working closely with government and local authorities is a vital aspect of Patrizia's operations, primarily due to the varying regulations, licenses, and permits associated with the real estate market. Establishing strong relationships with these entities ensures timely approvals and successful execution of projects, as well as helps the company stay compliant with the laws and regulations governing the industry.

Environmental and Sustainability Consultants

Sustainable construction and operations are increasingly becoming important in the real estate industry. Patrizia actively works with environmental and sustainability consultants to assess and improve the ecological performance of their properties. These consultants help the company adopt green building principles, evaluate energy efficiency, and minimize the environmental impact of their projects. By incorporating sustainable practices, Patrizia enhances the value proposition of their properties, appeals to the growing environmentally conscious market, and fosters long-term growth.

Technology Providers

Technology is transforming the real estate landscape, and Patrizia is no exception. The company has embraced digital tools and platforms provided by various technology partners to streamline their operations, optimize property management, and enhance client engagement. From property management software to data analytics platforms, these technology providers enable Patrizia to stay ahead of the curve and offer innovative solutions to its clients and investors.


In conclusion, Patrizia AG's main suppliers and partners range from real estate services providers, architects, construction companies, legal and financial advisors, market research and consultancy firms, government and local authorities, environmental and sustainability consultants, and technology providers. These relationships play a pivotal role in the successful execution of Patrizia's operations and its growth in the real estate market. By maintaining strong partnerships with a diverse pool of suppliers, Patrizia can ensure the delivery of high-quality properties and services that cater to the evolving needs of its clients and the market at large.

Financial data and news for Patrizia

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PATRIZIA raises fresh equity for smart cities strategy to grow global investment programme to EUR 1.4 billion:
PATRIZIA raises fresh equity for smart cities strategy to grow global investment programme to EUR 1.4 billion
PATRIZIA raises fresh equity for smart cities strategy to grow global investment programme to EUR 1.4 billion
EQS-News: PATRIZIA H1 2024 financial results: EBITDA still impacted by volatile market environment, but platform shows slight improvement in operating expenses:
EQS-News: PATRIZIA H1 2024 financial results: EBITDA still impacted by volatile market environment, but platform shows slight improvement in operating expenses
EQS-News: PATRIZIA H1 2024 financial results: EBITDA still impacted by volatile market environment, but platform shows slight improvement in operating expenses
EQS-News: PATRIZIA aims to become a EUR 100bn AUM smart Real Assets player in 2030 with new focused growth strategy and new organisational structure:
EQS-News: PATRIZIA aims to become a EUR 100bn AUM smart Real Assets player in 2030 with new focused growth strategy and new organisational structure
EQS-News: PATRIZIA aims to become a EUR 100bn AUM smart Real Assets player in 2030 with new focused growth strategy and new organisational structure
EQS-News: PATRIZIA Annual General Meeting resolves sixth consecutive dividend increase and approves all proposed resolutions by a large majority:
EQS-News: PATRIZIA Annual General Meeting resolves sixth consecutive dividend increase and approves all proposed resolutions by a large majority
EQS-News: PATRIZIA Annual General Meeting resolves sixth consecutive dividend increase and approves all proposed resolutions by a large majority
EQS-News: PATRIZIA 3M 2024 financial results show continued AUM resilience while impact of muted market environment on EBITDA remains – encouraging growth of equity raised:
EQS-News: PATRIZIA 3M 2024 financial results show continued AUM resilience while impact of muted market environment on EBITDA remains – encouraging growth of equity raised
EQS-News: PATRIZIA 3M 2024 financial results show continued AUM resilience while impact of muted market environment on EBITDA remains – encouraging growth of equity raised
EQS-News: PATRIZIA Annual Report 2023: Resilient platform but EBITDA impacted by market headwinds - cautious optimism for 2024 with focus on smart real asset investments:
EQS-News: PATRIZIA Annual Report 2023: Resilient platform but EBITDA impacted by market headwinds - cautious optimism for 2024 with focus on smart real asset investments
EQS-News: PATRIZIA Annual Report 2023: Resilient platform but EBITDA impacted by market headwinds - cautious optimism for 2024 with focus on smart real asset investments