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1,07 €

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3,50 €
19.09.24 / Tradegate WKN: A0CACX / Symbol: GELYF / Name: Geely / Aktie / Fahrzeuge & Fahrzeugteile / Large Cap /
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Beschreibung Geely

Geely: A Glimpse into the Chinese Automotive Giant

Geely (GELYF, WKN A0CACX) is a Chinese multinational automotive corporation that has successfully established itself as a global contender in the automobile industry. Zhejiang Geely Holding Group, commonly known as simply Geely, was founded in 1986 by Mr. Li Shufu as a refrigerator manufacturer. However, it soon ventured into the automotive sector and launched its automobile manufacturing division in 1997. Over the years, Geely has expanded its operations and reach, creating a name for itself in the international automotive market.

Rapid Expansion through Acquisitions and Partnerships

One of the most notable features of Geely's growth strategy is its aggressive expansion through mergers and acquisitions. The company's first significant acquisition came in 2010 when it purchased Volvo Cars from Ford Motor Company for a reported $1.8 billion. This move allowed Geely to gain access to advanced auto technology and broadened its footprint in the European market.

Since the Volvo acquisition, Geely has continued to make strategic acquisitions and partnerships to enhance its overall capabilities. Some notable examples include acquiring a majority stake in the British sports car maker Lotus, purchasing the London Electric Vehicle Company (LEVC), and investing in the Danish electric car start-up, Lynk Co.

These acquisitions have undoubtedly played a crucial role in boosting Geely's revenues, market share, and brand recognition. They have also opened up various new business opportunities for the company in niche markets, such as electric vehicles, autonomous driving technology, and luxury sports cars.

Diverse Product Portfolio Focused on Innovation

Geely's quest for continued growth and expansion has led the company to invest heavily in research and development (R). As a result, Geely now boasts an impressive product portfolio encompassing a diverse range of vehicles, from affordable compact cars to luxury sedans and SUVs, all designed to cater to various customer segments.

With a strong focus on innovation, particularly in the electric vehicles and autonomous driving sectors, Geely is well-positioned to benefit from the ongoing transformation in the automotive industry. For instance, the company has plans to transition a large portion of Volvo’s production to electric vehicles (EVs) by 2025. Additionally, Geely is currently in the process of developing self-driving cars through its investments in intelligent automotive technologies and collaborations with technology partners like Baidu.

Geely’s Ambitious Global Expansion Plans

Perhaps the most essential aspect of Geely’s overall strategy is its effort to expand its presence across the globe. Currently, Geely has manufacturing and assembly plants in several countries, including China, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, and Malaysia. However, that’s not all. The automaker has ambitious plans to grow its operations further in key international markets like Europe and North America.

In line with this objective, Geely announced its plan to build an electric vehicle plant in Germany. This move is expected to bolster the firm's manufacturing capability in Europe and help Geely establish a long-term presence in the high-potential European electric vehicle market.

Financial Performance: Impressive Growth, but Not Without Challenges

In recent years, Geely has showcased a remarkable revenue growth, thanks to its strong product lineup and various strategic acquisitions. However, like any other company operating in a competitive industry, Geely is not immune to the challenges posed by external factors such as economic fluctuations, changing consumer preferences, and governmental regulations.

One such challenge arose when the Chinese government cut subsidies for electric vehicles, causing a temporary drop in EV sales for Geely. Nevertheless, the company seems committed to overcoming these hurdles and maintaining its upward trajectory by continuously innovating and expanding its product offerings.

To Sum Up

Geely represents a compelling example of a homegrown Chinese company that has managed to stand toe-to-toe with global automotive giants. Thanks to its ambitious expansion strategy, a diverse product portfolio, investments in cutting-edge automotive technologies, and a focus on internationalization, Geely has firmly positioned itself as a dominant force in the automotive landscape.

It is important to keep a close eye on Geely's future developments and financial performance, given the rapidly evolving environment of the automotive industry. Embracing innovative automotive technology and executing timely market strategies will be crucial for Geely’s continued success ahead.

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Mitbewerber von Geely

Geely: A Comprehensive Overview of Key Competitors

Geely Automobile Holdings Limited (GELYF), an automotive manufacturing company based in China, is well-regarded publically traded corporation (WKN A0CACX). Founded in 1986 by Li Shufu, its primary business focus is the production of passenger vehicles, automotive components and engines. Due to its continued growth and expansion, Geely has attained a formidable presence in the market. However, the company faces stiff competition from a number of major players within the automobile industry. This article will comprehensively delve into Geely's most significant competitors, analyzing their strengths and challenges in the market.

Great Wall Motors (Symbol: GWLLF)

Great Wall Motors Company Limited (GWLLF) is a Chinese automobile manufacturer with a strong market position. It specializes in the production of SUVs, pickup trucks and sedans, making it a direct competitor of Geely. In recent years, Great Wall Motors has shifted its focus towards electric vehicles (EVs) and intelligent technologies, intending to stay ahead of the curve with the ever-evolving automotive industry trends. A substantial investment in research and development combined with strategic partnerships, Great Wall Motors poses a crucial challenge for Geely in terms of market share and technological advancements.

BYD Auto (Symbol: BYDDF)

BYD Auto (BYDDF), a subsidiary of BYD Company Limited, is another domestic competitor for Geely that operates in the Chinese market. Established in 2003, BYD has quickly become a major player in China's electric vehicle market, particularly in the production of NEVs (new energy vehicles). The company is backed by Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway, which speaks to its strong economic stance and market potential. Additionally, BYD's emphasis on vertical integration within the production process allows it to achieve cost efficiency and reduced reliance on external suppliers, presenting a challenge for Geely in the race for automotive market dominance.

SAIC Motor (Symbol: SAICF)

SAIC Motor Corporation Limited (SAICF), headquartered in Shanghai, is a state-owned Chinese automobile manufacturing company. It specializes in producing various vehicles ranging from passenger cars to commercial trucks. Having formed strategic partnerships with giants such as Volkswagen and General Motors, SAIC Motor enjoys unparalleled access to foreign markets and diversified product lines. Moreover, the company has expanded its portfolio to include new energy vehicles, exploring innovative technologies and solutions. Consequently, the strong growth potential and comprehensive product offerings make SAIC Motor a noteworthy contender for Geely.

Changan Automobile (Symbol: CCVTF)

Established in 1862, Changan Automobile is one of the oldest automobile manufacturers in China. Currently a state-owned enterprise, it creates and sells vehicles ranging from compact cars and vans to SUVs and trucks under various subsidiaries. Changan also has strategic alliances with global manufacturers such as Ford, Suzuki, and Mazda. It recently announced plans to fully transition to new energy vehicles by 2025, indicating its commitment to embracing new trends and advancements in the automotive industry. This move towards innovation and modernization further intensifies the competitive scenario for Geely.

Guangzhou Automobile (Symbol: GNZUF)

Guangzhou Automobile Group Co., Ltd (GNZUF), a leader in the Chinese car manufacturing industry, presents strong competition for Geely due to its diverse profile ranging from passenger cars and commercial vehicles to motorcycle manufacturing. The company has established joint ventures with foreign automakers like Toyota, Honda, and Mitsubishi, which enable it to leverage advanced technological capabilities and expand its market reach. Additionally, the company has invested significantly in research and development of electric vehicles, actively seeking opportunities to enhance its market share and pose a challenge for other players, such as Geely.


Geely's continued growth and success can be attributed to its innovative approach, focusing on the development of electric vehicles and strategic collaboration in technology. While Geely remains a strong player in the automotive industry, it must remain vigilant of market competition from other key competitors such as Great Wall Motors, BYD Auto, SAIC Motor, Changan Automobile and Guangzhou Automobile. By continuously adapting to new trends and investing in research and development, Geely can stay ahead in this fast-paced, ever-changing industry.

Zulieferer von Geely

Finanzanalyse: Geelys Hauptzulieferer

Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd. (GELYF) ist ein bedeutender chinesischer Automobilhersteller, der sich durch seine umfangreiche Modellpalette und strategischen Partnerschaften weltweit einen Namen gemacht hat. Dieser Artikel bietet eine Analyse der wichtigsten Zulieferer des Unternehmens. In der vernetzten und komplexen Automobilindustrie können die Leistungen dieser Zulieferer einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die Geschäftsentwicklung und den Markterfolg von Geely haben. Um ein vollständiges Bild zu erhalten, betrachten wir zunächst vier der wichtigsten Zulieferpartner des Unternehmens.

LG Chem

LG Chem, ein südkoreanisches Unternehmen, ist ein Weltmarktführer in der Produktion von Batterien für Elektroautos (EVs). In jüngster Zeit hat Geely seine Partnerschaft mit LG Chem intensiviert, um gemeinsam fortschrittliche Batteriezellen und Energiespeichersysteme für seine zukünftige Produktpalette in China und darüber hinaus zu entwickeln. Die Zusammenarbeit beider Unternehmen geht auf die erfolgreiche Einführung der ersten Generation der Geely Emgrand EVs zurück, die mit einer LG Chem-Batterie ausgestattet ist.


Bosch ist ein deutscher Technologie- und Dienstleistungskonzern, der Geely eine breite Palette von Automobilkomponenten und -systemen liefert. Das Deutsche Unternehmen ist nicht nur für seine innovativen Verbrennungsmotoren bekannt, sondern auch für seine Technologie in den Bereichen Hybridantriebe, Bremsregelsysteme, Elektromotoren und Sensoren. Als einer der Hauptzulieferer von Geely hat Bosch eine zentrale Rolle bei der Entwicklung und Steigerung der Leistungsfähigkeit von Geely-Fahrzeugen übernommen.

Volvo Cars

Volvo Cars, eine schwedische Premium-Automobilmarke, gehört seit 2010 zu Geely. Seither hat Geely von der Expertise und dem Wissen von Volvo in den Bereichen Sicherheit, Design und Technologie profitiert. Bei der Entwicklung neuer Modelle und Plattformen hat Geely häufig auf Volvo-Technologien zurückgegriffen, um seinen Fahrzeugen ein höheres Maß an Qualität und Leistung zu verleihen. Die Zusammenarbeit hat auch zu Geelys Polestar Performance, einem Tochterunternehmen, geführt, das sich der Entwicklung leistungsstarker Elektroautos widmet.


Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd. (CATL) ist ein führender chinesischer Batteriehersteller und Zulieferer für Elektrofahrzeuge. Wie LG Chem hat auch CATL eine Partnerschaft mit Geely geschlossen, um Hochleistungsbatterien für die Elektrofahrzeuge des Automobilherstellers zu entwickeln. Dieser Schritt ist Teil von Geelys Plan, seine Reichweite auf dem EV-Markt auszuweiten und an der Spitze des Umstiegs auf elektrische Mobilität zu stehen.

Welche Bedeutung haben diese Partnerschaften für Geely?

In der Automobilindustrie sind Zulieferer von entscheidender Bedeutung, da sie nicht nur den Zugang zu wichtigen Technologien und Ressourcen ermöglichen, sondern auch die Effizienz und Qualität der Fahrzeuge, die auf der Straße landen, entscheidend beeinflussen. Geely hat seine Partnerschaften sorgfältig ausgewählt, um sicherzustellen, dass es stets auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik bleibt und den sich ständig ändernden Anforderungen in diesem dynamischen Markt gerecht wird.

Da verschiedene Märkte weltweit strengere Emissionsstandards und Nachhaltigkeitsziele einführen, müssen Automobilhersteller wie Geely sicherstellen, dass sie wettbewerbsfähige Produkte auf dem Markt bringen. Hier kommt die Zusammenarbeit mit Batterieherstellern wie LG Chem und CATL ins Spiel. Diese Partnerschaften helfen Geely, sich auf dem wachsenden Markt für Elektrofahrzeuge zu positionieren und die Anforderungen der Kunden an umweltfreundliche Technologien zu erfüllen.

Gleichzeitig ist Geely kontinuierlich auf der Suche nach Effizienzsteigerungen und besseren Technologien in seinen Fahrzeugen. Die Zusammenarbeit mit Unternehmen wie Bosch und Volvo Cars eröffnet Geely neue Möglichkeiten auf dem Sektor der Verbrennungsmotoren, von denen auch seine Hybrid- und Elektrofahrzeugreihen profitieren können.

Denken Sie daran, wie wichtig eine informierte Entscheidungsfindung ist, wenn es um Investitionen oder Bewertungen von Aktien wie Geely geht. Die Hauptzulieferer von Geely spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Gestaltung der Geschäftsstrategien und der zukünftigen Erfolgssuche des Unternehmens. In der heutigen vernetzten Welt ist es von größter Bedeutung, die Verbindungen und Allianzen in der Automobilindustrie zu verstehen und sie in die finanziellen Prognosen mit einzubeziehen, um den Wert dieser Unternehmen richtig einzuschätzen.

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